PLEASE ADD TO CART AND LEAVE A NOTE letting us know when you plan to pick up your MAX PACK. Shipping is not available. You do not have to pick it up this week; we'll hold it indefinitely.
By law, the maximum quantity of beer-to-go we can sell is 288 ounces. Let's max it out with two 16 ounce cans of the below nine brands. A steal at 50 bucks. One week only.
Velvet Hammer - 9% Imperial Red Ale
Golden Opportunity - 4.5% Kolsch
Sit Down or I'll Sit You Down - 10% IIPA
Thrilla in Brazilla - 7.5% IPA
Royal Scandal - 6.5% English pale ale
Hefeweizen - 4.9% German wheat
Great Scot - 6.5% Scottish ale
Hive Dive - 5% Golden honey ale
Bicycle Pump - 5% Pilsner